Saturday, February 17, 2018

Mormon beliefs Christian Apologetics.

   An Outline on LDS
Basic LDS apologetics/evangelism

  1. What do Mormons believe about Jesus?
           1. Mormons have a very different view about Jesus but they affirm basic things Christians do.
                  a) LDS believe Jesus is the Son of God.
                  b) LDS believe Jesus was crucified for our sins.
                  c) LDS believe that Jesus rose from the grave.
           2. What are the distinctives that separate them from being Christians?
                 a) LDS believe Jesus is the brother of Lucifer.
                 b) LDS do not believe Jesus is the only son of God there are many sons of God like Jesus.
                 c) LDS do not affirm Jesus as being equally God as the Father.
                d) LDS deny the Trinity.
                 e) LDS do not believe Jesus was from eternity uncreated.
                 f) LDS believe Jesus is the literally only begotten son of God the Fathers seed.
            3. What do LDS believe about God?
         (though the standard Mormon who knocks at your door doesn’t know these things his elders do. These are things    that should not be brought up while evangelizing a Mormon)
                 a) While they affirm there is only one God what they mean is there is only one God for this world.
                 b) LDS believe there are many gods.
                 c) LDS believe in eternal progression that they will become gods of there own worlds.
                 d) LDS believe the heavenly father "Elohim" has a body of flesh and blood like us.
                 e) LDS believe God was once a man like us and progressed to God hood.
  1. What do LDS believe about the Bible?
 1. Mormons are beginning to defend their faith using the Bible.
      a) Mormons believe in the Bible as far "as it is translated correctly".
      b) Mormons do not believe the Bible is inerrant.
      c) Mormons do not believe it is the final Word of God.
      d) They believe "The Book of Mormon" is the final testament of Christ.

  1. What kind of typical conversations will you have with a Mormon.
      a) They will speak of LDS being the "one true Church"
      b) They will speak of the Gospel being restored by Joseph Smith.
      c) They will speak of the priesthood being restored.
      d) They will not be confronting or on the offence.
      e) They will try to convince you they are Christians just a different denomination.
       f) They will talk about "The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ".
      g) They will tell you to pray and ask God if the LDS is the one true Church, you will feel a burning in you stomach.

Example of a apologetic

Problem: They are beginning to use the Bible much more and having answers for their faith. They are being able to predict what a Christian will say to them. They have standard answers for many of our arguments. We must take this matter in a extremely spiritual way beyond academic study. We must be full of the Spirit of God.

The academic problem is what they believe about the Bible. "its true as far as it is translated correctly" Therefore if something contradicts the Book of Mormon they can brush it of as a mistranslation. I have had that happen many times. For instance when you quote verses that proclaim the LORD is God and there is no other (Isaiah 44:6, Duet 4:35, psalm 86:10) They will respond that what it means is "the only God for this world"

Solution: In saying you desire to be like Christ you have to say Jesus believed the Torah was the perfect Word of God and not one jot or title would pass away. Therefore giving credence to the Torah. You must have some knowledge of the transmission  and preservation of the Bible. But Christ Himself says Heaven and earth will pass away but His Words will never pass away. (Matt:24-35 Luke 21:33) denoting the truth of the New Testament.

In truth Mormonism is Gnosticism with different terms.

The main focus about evangelizing a Mormon is recognizing the presence of God. While you speak acknowledge the Lord. Mormonism is demonic. Any faith saying the same lie Satan did in the garden "ye will be as gods" is demonic. The difference between JW's who use the Bible, and Mormons who use the Bible, is that we have the Spirit of God, who quickens our mind, and puts a blade on our words. Have a strong desire to prophecy even just in conversation so that the secrets of their heart is revealed and they will be cut to the heart and acknowledge God is with you (1 Corinthians 14:1, 14:24)


  • We are told we need to defend the faith and preach the Gospel.
    Theres good methods where you can guide the conversation to the Gospel.

    Example #1 Say you work with a Mormon and sometimes you guys speak on spiritual matters.
    One simple direct way to lead a conversation to the Gospel is simple asking "what is the Gospel?" to the Mormon you work with. Chances are he will speak of Joseph Smith restoring the Church and the priesthood.
    Then you, as a Christian can say "well, for us our Gospel stems from 1 Corinthians 15. You should have this memorized and on the tip of your tongue always this is our foundation.

    1 Corinthians 15:

    Now I would remind you, brothers,1 of the gospel gI preached to you, which youreceived, hin which you stand, and by which iyou are being saved, if you jholdfast to the word I preached to you—kunless you believed in vain.
    For lI delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ diedmfor our sins nin accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raisedoon the third day pin accordance with the Scriptures, and that qhe appeared to Cephas,then rto the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time,most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared tosJames, then tto all the apostles. 8

    From <>

    Since now you are leading the conversation you can say why this is so important to Christians and all men. This is the Gospel and it is the power of God for salvation. If the conversation keeps going you should show them why the importants of this Gospel, the Life, Death Burial and Resurrection is central to all men. By memorizing and sighting Romans 1:16

    Romans 1:16
    For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

    From <>

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