I'm going to give you a basic outline of the Gnostic religion that is still alive fully today, Gnostic theology, not a ton of detail but basic Gnostic "cosmology" (Origin and nature of the universe) and "theological" (study and nature of God) beliefs, That come out of these texts. (nag hamadi texts)
These are accurate basic beliefs of Gnosticism today. Just to emphasize something "theosophy" comes from 2 greek words "thoes" meaning god, and "sophia" meaning wisdom. You will see why that is important throughout the article, that is if you can put 2 and 2 together easily. a little extra tip the word "Gnostic" comes from the greek word "gnosis" which mean "knowledge".
Introduction to Gnosticism.
1: The true god, the force, the light, spirit or "pneuma", is not a personal being. You will often hear things in our culture that came from Gnosticism. terms like "follow the light" that is utterly Gnostic. He is also called father, but also referred to in feminine terms like "mother" when "it" is referred to in the feminine terms they call it the "first thought" or "eternal consciousness" which is separate but the same as the true god.
2: In Gnosticism the true god starts to create lower "gods" which have their own genders male and female. these "gods" are called "Aeons". they are to procreate and make other gods. when all the first created Aeons are together they are called "the Pleroma" or the "fullness"of the true light "god"
3: The highest first created Aeon is called "the Logos" or "the word" but he is not the Christian Jesus. the logos has all the knowledge of the Aeons put together. It is important you know the Gnostic logos is not the Christian Logos, Jesus. Jesus is uncreated the same essence of God completely eternal.
4:The mother, father, and logos are the Gnostic trinity, they call it "the triad" do not be deceived this is not the Christian Trinity, later on you will see how diametrically opposed this is to the Christian faith
5:The lowest Aeon is called "Sofia" she is closest to the natural realm. Sofia loved the true god so much she wanted to create from within herself without having relations with her consort. Here is a citation from one of the Nag Hammadi texts explaining what happened.
The Apocalypse of John;
"The Sofia wanted to bring forth a likeness of herself, without consent of the spirit or her consort. The thing that came out of her was imperfect and different from her appearance. because she created it without her consort'

6: what she made was called
-The demiurge" (the architect) You will hear that term in the movie the Matrix
-Iaidabaothe (Child, come forth, or child of chaos )
-Saklas (the fool)
-Sameal (the blind one)
You will often hear famous atheist and agnostics call the God of the Old Testament these things. They are not Atheists or Agnostic the are Gnostics.
Now this may shock you into reality, the thing she created according to Gnostic beliefs is YHWH, the God of the Old Testament, our LORD, the Maker of Heaven and earth, The One who is love, who sent His Son Jesus for us, the very God we love is called imperfect, the fool, the blind one, and actually created, and child of chaos.... are you kidding me.
If that doesn't tell you something already about the rest of what they believe even if it is close to Christianity then you are a fool.
Now that your shocked into the reality, would not Satan call YHWH all of those things.
This is where I begin to sound more like I am telling a story but this is what they believe about our cosmology and our God YHWH.
7: Gnostics theology believes YHWH the God of the Bible creates rulers called "Archones" they are made to be rulers over the earth, YHWH and the Achrons make Adam. YHWH and the Achrons are planning to make humanity slaves. One of the jobs of the Achrons is to blind humanity to the "fact" we are divine.
Side note:
Does that not sound firmilair to the enemy of our soul?. Read Genesis 3 now, in light of this. Satan is still telling that same lie threw popular media. Most movies show a young man or women "finding the power in themselves", they finally believe in themselves, in the power of their knowledge (gnosis). If you haven't read the books of Gnostics you probably wont see the correlation but I read them and I am not lying or reaching for a conspiracy when I assure you it is of Gnostic influence.
Romans 7:18 -For I know that nothing good dwells in me;
8; Sofia see's what her "child" ie,. "YHWH" is doing, and is grieved and has pitty on Adam. Some Gnostics differ on how this happened. Some believe Sofia became the serpent, and some believe she tricked YHWH into doing it himself. But either way Sofia somehow put "Divinity" within Adam and I quote it is called "the spark of the divine" google that term.
9: Gnostics believe Satan is the savior. In general everytime Hollywood speaks good of Jesus they are speaking of a Jesus that died to show us that we are actually divine, Remember that video of Russel Brand talking about Jesus that a bunch of Christians shared? he is a gnostic, he believes that YHWH is a created wicked, evil blind god. Not the Jesus of Scripture that died for our sins and rose from the grave.

11; Gnostics believe salvation in this life is not repentance and belief in Christ. It is realizing you are a Christ. Christ our Lord spoke of this, and Gnosticism was alive and well in His day and is alive and well hiding in plain site today. You and I have been influenced by it. You will begin to see a lot more of the young generation clinging on to this New Age (Gnostic) belief.
Mathew 24:5 "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many."
I will leave you with a quote from one of the books I read by Jeffery J. Kripal the religious a philosophy professor at Rice University in Texas. He is a proffesing Gnostic. And a list of Gnostic movies we watch.
" Inspired by the early Gnostics who could not help noticing just who in the story of Adam and Eve was graciously bestowing knowledge, it was the serpent. And who was jealously pettily trying to prevent it, god." -Jeffery Kripal
- The Serpents Gift Introduction
A list of Gnostic movies>>
The Matrix Trilogy.
Harry Potter.
Blade Runner.
The Tree of Life.
The Truman Show.
The Wizard of Oz.
Disneys Hunchback of Noterdam.
Vanilla Sky.
Mission Impossible.
ect ect ect ect...
In Christ
Kevin Henderson.
I really needed to read this article. It informed me well about a huge topic in a short easy text I could gets all the main facts without reading and studying the book Kevin studied. I now have an arsenal of terms and things to watch out for so I can see the truth more clearly. I am shocked to really understand that there are actual people who believe Satan is to be followed and God was just jealous of letting us have the knowledge of good and evil! Wow! How could anyone think God was jealous over thaT? God was trying to protect us from the evil we suffer in this world...then after Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God, God sent God via Jesus to set us free from the mess we got in by disobeying in the first place just like many actual parents do for their children whom they try to protect but kids disobey and later the parents bail them out of the trouble. I thought I understood the New Age before but now I see the motive. I see why they actually worship the DEVIL. They want to sin with no guilt. The sin is to control others via oppression so they don't have to ever feel any anxiety or shame which could cause them to bow down to Jesus Name. God is speaking clearly again through this author... God is saying, "Please don't be fooled!" He is trying to save us from evil and eternal separation from LOVE. People need to allow their uncomfortable feelings and be vulnerable because they will be more than uncomfortable when they confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and bow before Him on Judgement day. God doesn't want anyone to GO TO HELL of their own accord. Heaven cannot have evil in it and evil is worship of the SELF not GOD who is LOVE and our creator. I am amazed by this article. Thank you for writing it.
ReplyDeletethank you kindly tina, your comment is almost the exact same way i felt after looking into this stuff with credible